Join the Astrodome Conservancy Chairman's Circle!
Donors support the Conservancy's efforts to preserve and redevelop the Astrodome in partnership with Harris County, to advocate for public access, and to create engaging programming.

Donors support the Conservancy's efforts to preserve and redevelop the Astrodome in partnership with Harris County, to advocate for public access, and to create engaging programming.
Join the Astrodome Conservancy Chairman's Circle today with a gift of $500 or more!
The Astrodome Conservancy’s mission is to promote the Astrodome’s legacy through preservation and development in partnership with Harris County, advocate for public access, and create programming that inspires and engages.
We envision a dynamic Astrodome accessible to all through creative programming, innovative partnerships, and economic development.
A gift of $500 or more directly supports our mission and includes you in our Chairman's Circle. With membership comes special invitations throughout the year with fellow advocates of the Astrodome and the Board of Directors. Join today to #SaveTheDome!